Wanna hit the Dream Client Jackpot™?

Join me LIVE on July 26th, 2024 at 1:00pm EST* to learn my whole method - no floof - on a free training. (*Yes - it will be recorded, but you must RSVP!)

You didn’t start a business to work

with energy-sucking demons all day.

You’re supposed to be this big, bad boss running a service-based biz.

But if you’re honest, it feels like it’s running you.

How the heck are you supposed to manage the day-to-day AND figure out how to attract better clients?

You’ve got 2 options:

1) Keep running around like a chicken with your head cut off, trying to please everyone while demon clients suck your energy Dementor-style.

2) Roll the dice on trying my proven method to hit the Dream Client Jackpot.™ (I’m literally sharing the whole system FOR FREE!)

I’m Danielle

I keep founders in line. (No whips - don’t be scared!)

I’m a triple threat - consultant, creative, & coach - for founders who don’t want to lose track of their vision as they grow and delegate. If you want a plan to help you build a service-based business you feel “lucky” to own - we’re a match.

After basically becoming the Kevin Bacon of the veterinary industry, let’s just say I’ve supported a lot of service providers.

I have 10+ years of experience up my sleeve, helping everyone from brick-and-mortar founders to b2b service providers and consultants within the $40B+ world called vet med.

I also ruffled a lot of feathers along the way.

I pissed off the BS marketing behemoths and the corporations who want to say one thing online, but do another IRL.

People warned me I’d ruin my business by being outspoken, but sticking to my guns repelled clients that I would’ve hated working with anyway.

And now? I’m breaking out of my niche to support service-based business founders in any industry!

Most consultants act like operations and financials are all there is to starting and scaling a business. But I know you’ll get really lucky when you’ve got a plan to keep your vision in line.

Join me LIVE on July 26th, 2024 at 1:00pm EST* to learn my whole method - no floof - on a free training. (*YES - it will be recorded, but you must RSVP!)

So… are you in?